What is a VIN number and where can I find it?
A VIN provides information specific to your vehicle. It has a barcode-like structure with each letter and number containing information. Every 17 digit VIN number is unique, There are several places where the VIN may be located physically on your car.

Locating the VIN number
VIN numbers are located in different places depending on the make and model of your vehicle. There are several places where the VIN may be located physically on your car. The VIN may also be found on your vehicle’s insurance card or vehicle title (DMV) records.
If you are having issues finding your VIN number, you can also contact your car dealership or the manufacturer of your vehicle. Below are the three most common locations to find the VIN number on your vehicle.
Driver's Side Dashboard (Viewable Through Windshield)
Driver's Side Door Jamb or Pillar (Looks Like a Sticker)
Owners Manual (Located In Glove Compartment)
Other Places to Look:
Vehicle's Title (DMV) Records
Vehicle's Insurance Card
VIN numbers: what are they?
You can identify your vehicle by its VIN, or Vehicle Identification Number. You can obtain a wide array of information once it has been decoded. Besides general information like the manufacturer, country of origin, the factory in which it was assembled, and the year of manufacture, it also has a unique serial number.

What does a VIN number look like?
When decoded, the VIN provides information specific to your vehicle. It has a barcode-like structure with each letter and number containing information. Every VIN number is unique and you will never find two vehicles with the same VIN number.
Make sure you omit the letters I and O from your VIN number after finding it. Numbers 1 and 0 are used instead of these in a VIN.
Why are VIN numbers important?
Finding information about a vehicle is easy by decoding a VIN. Besides being used for personal use, it has a wide range of business applications as well. This tool can be used to source parts, run car diagnostics, check title history, and find sales history.
VINs were standardized in 1981 and consist of 17 characters, excluding the letters I, O, and Q.
For more information, check out our other posts:
Once you have located your VIN number, you can use our decoder above to access information about your vehicle's warranty status.
You may use this tool: licenseplatelookup.org to get history of any car before making purchase.